Gratitude Diaries: Day 2

Throughout the day I’ve been listing different things to be grateful for.  Here are the ones I remember:

Top most, I’m grateful for my husband who made a great dinner tonight.  And packed me lunch for tomorrow as I type this post up. 🙂

I am grateful to my kids who can carry a conversation around the dinner table.

I was extremely grateful for being able to take a hot shower this morning.  Our water heater has been giving us issues and this morning was a cold morning.  I’m grateful to the guy who came and fixed it for us.

I am grateful that I can take work home with me when I want to.   I love love love being able to quilt and work as I need to.




2 responses »

  1. this is a great list. you have a lot of things to be grateful for today; that is great! 🙂
    when I had started doing this, for a week or so I had nothing to write….later – only later, I started to find them 🙂 ) keep going 🙂

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