Cross Stitch, an update

“Mama’s Bukid” …

Here’s what it looked like last time:

Mama’s Bukid

Here’s what it looks like now…

Mama’s Bukid

The lighting on my more current picture is so much better.  That’s because I remembered to take the picture before it got dark! As you can see I’m making significant progress week by week.  It’s safe to say that my Cross Stitch mojo has come back with a vengeance.

Last week I was putting stitches in as I was working on a particular color.  But I found during the parts where there was a lot of intermingling (is that what they call “confetti”?)  my stitches were getting bunchy and it was not looking very nice.  So on Row 3 I will attempt to start on the top row and work my way down stitch by stitch rather than color by color.  I hope this will create a more bunchy affect.

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Stitching!




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