2015 Goals – April Update

I didn’t think I did a lot this month but after reviewing my list – I feel like I actually got a lot done.

1. Continue to count fabric in and out of my stash – done

2. Concentrate on one thing at a time. –

  • Moon Glow – Finish Month 12. – DONE
  • Scrapitude  – March and April clue. – FINISHED MARCH; WORKING ON APRIL
  • Month by Month – Actually finished quilting the body of this but I need to finish quilting the border.  Then I need to trim it, bind and label. – FINISHED QUILTING THE BODY
  • Tell It To The Stars – Get the backing done for this so I can get it on the frame to quilt. I already got the batting so all that I’m waiting on is the backing. – DIDN’T GET A CHANCE TO DO BUT WILL MOVE TO NEXT MONTH
  • Raining Cats and Dogs – this is next on the list.  This isn’t something I plan on doing in april but I’m just keeping this here so I know what I’ll be working on once, I finish something. – HAHAHA – MOVE TO NEXT MONTH

3. View and complete Craftsy Classes. –

Stephanie Japel’s Hats Four Ways – I STARTED KNITTING AGAIN.  I started listening to a podcast called, Knitmore Girls, and it has inspired me to knit again.  It helps that I’ve been going to my son’s baseball practice and games and knitting projects are great to take to these events.

Go through, pick and complete another Craftsy class. – I’M REVIEWING A GARDENING CLASS.  IT’S NOT YET DONE BUT I’VE ONLY GET A FEW LESSONS TO COMPLETE IT.

4. Complete projects from my craft books

Do the first project. – DONE! 🙂

5. Get my Scrap System going.  I’ve got full bins of scraps.  I need to figure out what I want to do, cut and put the fabric in that system.  I started using Bonnie Hunters method but I’m not sure it is for me.  We’ll see.  Any suggestions? – I’M STILL THINKING THROUGH THIS ONE.

Here’s to a great year!

Happy Quilting!


4 responses »

  1. I keep the smaller scraps, for crazy piecing leader-enders when there’s nothing else, in Kleenex boxes. At least they are all in one place. I also throw away anything smaller than an inch. Thinking about tossing anything smaller than 1.5″ – that’ll take some getting used to! I don’t know if that will help, but it keeps them in one spot anyway. The only sizes I cut are 2.5″. I don’t often use something else, but if I do, it’s 3.5 or 4 inches, so those are the only ones I would cut. I don’t usually have anything that really is large enough for strip cutting. I send all my 2″ square or 2″ strip leftovers to someone else who uses that size a lot. Gets it out of here without tossing it!

    • I like that idea of keeping things in Kleenex boxes. I’ve got a lot of kleenex box sized boxes in the garage that I can pull out and place around my cutting area. The only problem is that I feel that there is way too much on my cutting table that I don’t have room to cut. I’m thinking of putting a shelf or something above so that I can put these things on top of it. It’s near enough for me to use but off my table so I can still cut. 🙂

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