Stash Report – Week 11, 2015

First the stash report – nothing used and nothing in.

Used this week: 0 yards
Used year to Date: -26.25 yards
Added this week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 29.75 yards
Net Added for 2015: 3.5 yards

But I played with fabric this week.  It’s just been really slow.  I’ve been working on Moon Glow and Month 12 has 20 different fabric.  the first 6 steps were cut, cut, piece a little bit, and cut a lot more.

Moon Glow Month #12 3/12/2015

Moon Glow
Month #12

This was step 3 and the next step was to cut 12 strips of 1-3/4″ for each set.

Step 5 was a whole ‘nother 8 pieces of fabric that I needed to cut 12 strips of 1-3/4″ each again.  I didn’t take a picture of it.  During the week, I would do 1 or 2 as I was able to.

Moon Glow Month 12 Step 6 Block Area 4 3/14/15

Moon Glow
Month 12
Step 7
Block Area 4

Step 6, 7, 8  was to put together Block Area 4, 5, and 2/3

Moon Glow Month 12 Step 6 Block Area 5 3/14/15

Moon Glow
Month 12
Step 7
Block Area 5

Moon Glow Month 12 Step 6 Block Area 2&3 3/14/15

Moon Glow
Month 12
Step 8
Block Area 2&3

Then I had more cutting to do…


Moon Glow Month 12 Step 9 Cut More!!! 3/14/15


yup – another 12 strips of 1-3/4″ for each of those pieces… 🙁

I figured I would be happy yesterday if I got it all cut and ready for me to put together.

I did a lot more..

I cut everything…

Moon Glow Month 12 Step 9 Cut! 3/14/15

Moon Glow
Month 12
Step 9

and then I was able to start sewing… I put the two different 9 patches together.

Moon Glow Month 12 Step 10 Center 3/14/15

Moon Glow
Month 12
Step 10

Now it’s smooth sailing!  Everything is all cut so all I need to do is put together all the pieces…

I prepped my table for the next step..

Moon Glow Month 12 ready for tomorrow's sew time 3/14/15

Moon Glow
Month 12
ready for tomorrow’s sew time

Organization is key for Moon Glow in general but most especially for month 12.  I placed a lot of numbers for the fabric # and then the block area #.  I have clue #3 for Scrapitude but I’m afraid if I put Moon Glow away I’ll forget what I was doing and have to re-organize myself.  I think I’ll just power through and get these 12 alternating blocks done before I move on to the next thing.

see more stash reports at  Patchwork Times

~Have a quilty week!


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