WIP Wednesday – 10/28/2015

Happy Wednesday!

I’m working on Missing Ivy and here’s where I’m at currently:

Missing Ivy Step 6 - pieces all over the place 10/27/15

Missing Ivy
Step 6 –
pieces all over the place

Organized Chaos!  This is the extent of my organization.  I can make to do lists and plans and calendar events – but after I chain piece and snip the threads they’re just all over the place.  I’ll be reorganizing them again.

While I was pressing the white fabric so I can cut 9 more 3.5″ squares I was thinking about starch.  I couldn’t remember if I had starched the other fabric.  I know there was a blimp in time where I came across a tip to starch the fabric while pressing so that when I cut, the fabric is a little stiff.  It also helps with keeping HSTs as accurate as possible.  So I may have starched these.  I can’t remember.  I stopped starching when I read on Bonnie Hunter’s site where she received fabric from somewhere (I think it was a half done project) and when she started using them they fell apart. She attributed this to the starch in the fabric.  So what to do?  I should starch if I’m going to start and finish a project. But knowing me, you never really know if I will finish the project I start.  I’m trying to be better about it now.  So I guess only time will tell.  But I am still wondering if I starched these fabrics.  It’s been about 2 years since I last worked on this project and the fabric is still going strong.  I would think it would take a lot more years for it to start falling apart.

It’s interesting how the way we do things changes with time as we learn new techniques, hear new tips, and get more experience with different projects.

For those checking in from Freshly Pieced… Thanks for stopping by!

See more WIPs at … WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

~Here’s to a great week!


8 responses »

  1. Wow I’m intrigued to know what sort of starch that was that made fabric fall apart! I use a starch that is earth friendly so hopefully no mishaps will occur! I always think that I will remember what I have done in a project or where I’m at but so easily forget, have you thought about writing notes for yourself?!

    • Thanks Mary! Yes, I have a project page online for each of the projects I work on. But I don’t jot down whether I’ve starched or not. I never thought to do that before. I usually just put where I’ve left off at and what I’ve got to do next. That way when I pick the project up again, I’ll be able to jump back in without having to try to figure it out. I may have to take more notes so I know where I’ve starched and where I haven’t. It would be interesting to see how different quilts came out depending on what technique I used.

      • I also wanted to add that from memory Bonnie Hunter’s fabric was falling apart because it was really old… probably over 30 years if not more. From my understanding good fabric wouldn’t fall apart after 30 years but with the starch in it, it caused it to break apart. I’ll see if I could find the article and link it.

  2. I haven’t been using starch and then I read that you should use it. After reading your post I’m thinking you shouldn’t as some of my projects get put aside for long periods of time. Sounds like a nice subject for a survey.

  3. I use Best Press. I usually dilute it half and half in a separate spray bottle and it works as well as full strength. It isn’t as stiff in the fabric as starch or fabric sizing, but it gives it body. Lavendar Best Press at the least expensive, even with postage added.

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